Our Investment Process
1. Pitch Submission
The best way to get your business in front of us is by filling out our pitch form. The details you provide will give us the minimal amount we need to let you know if the opportunity is right for us.
2. Discovery Call
If we are keen to hear more, we will reach out to you to book in a discovery call. This informal call is a chance for both of us to get to know each other better and for questions to be asked on both sides.
3. Live Pitch
If we think your business may be a good fit for our investors, we will invite you to pitch to them at our next monthly pitch meeting. Your will have a 30 minute slot to pitch and get investors interested.
4. Deep Dive
After your pitch we will let you know pretty quickly if there is serious interest from our investors to invest in your business. We will then do a deep dive into your business which could include requesting access to your data room, asking for more information, or meeting your other team members.
5. Investment
Once the deep dive is complete and the investors are happy to proceed, we will round up the interest for you and let you know the amount of investment that has been committed from our group. At this point it's over to you to discuss and agree terms and once everyone is happy, to close the deal.
6. Support
Once our group have invested in your business, you will form part of our portfolio and share a brief update with us every quarter. We will provide you with perks from our partners, help get you connected with experts or further investors when required, and generally cheer you on as you grow.